Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Pinterest inspiration - bright hair

I've been really into Pinterest recently, for everything. So I thought that I'd start sharing different subjects that are interesting me on there. I was looking at coloured hair recently and OMG how much I want to go back to a bright coloured hair now is killing me. I have had bright coloured hair a few time but it never lasts long as I have brown hair I always end up feeling bad for it because it gets so damaged so I just dye it out. But I want it again so bad!! I love the ombre ones, which I've had before as I thought it would be more practical for me with having brown hair so I didn't have to bleach my whole head. I wish I was brave enough to do that but I can't. Unfortunately I have just recently got a job which aren't going to allow me to turn up with this sort of thing, so until then i'll be sobbing into my laptop scrolling through pinterest until I get the chance to go crazy again.

1 comment:

  1. That purple hair is perfect !

