Tuesday 12 January 2016

The Furry Friend Tag

When I first saw this tag I thought it was the cutest thing ever and really wanted to give it ago. I've wanted to include my dog onto my blog and this seemed like the perfect way to introduce her.

Whats your pets name?


What kind of pet is it and what breed?

My doggie is a mix between a Labrador and a Border Collie 

How long have you had your pet?

We've had her 11 years this christmas

How old is your pet?

11 years old

What is some quirky things about your pet?

She is the weirdest laziest dog ever! she thinks my bed is hers, she is always waiting outside my bedroom door every morning and is so excited to get on the bed. She also has a weird thing with closed doors. She's hates them! She will sit at the door until you open the door to let her in then walk straight out the room. She also loves bubbles!

What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?

We've had her for so long so she is a big part of our family. She's the perfect cuddlier when your having a bad day.

Whats your favourite past times with your pet?

Either Laying around on my bed or going for walks around the lake.

What are your pets nicknames?

Coca Cola
Anything else with Coco in the name! (so original)

I hope you enjoyed this tag!

Have you got any family pet?


  1. I love this tag and thats such a cute name! I have a pet cat! :) xx


    1. aw thats nice I love cats!! Whats its name?

  2. Aww this is so cute! I'm stealing this! :D
    Jess @ www.juicyyyjesss.co.uk

    1. nice! I'd love to read it once you've done :)
