I love making new years resolutions or goals for the new year. Even if I don't manage to do them all I like having things to look forward to and achieving things. I have both personal ones and blogging ones this year as I have enjoyed blogging so much more than I thought I would and can't wait to see it grow even more this year.
Personal Goals
Travel - since leaving uni last year I've wanted to just experience so much exciting thing so this year I want to travel as much as I can! I have a lot of ideas so can't wait to put them into action.
Give up meat - This is something that I've gradually been doing over the last few months but I would like to officially say at some point this year that I don't eat meat! it just makes me feel so much better when I cut it out.
Save save save! - This kind of goes with the traveling as I kind of need money for that. The parts of the year when I'm not traveling I need to be saving as much as possible.
Make more effort making plans with people - I kind of get a bit bad at this sometimes and assume that people are busy if I don't hear from them. But never think to give them a text and see if they are free myself. Need to get better at this.
Go to a festival - I used to love going to reading and download festival but haven't been for a couple of years. So because I no its not something I will enjoy forever I would like to get a couple more in this year.
Be able to touch my toes - I feel like this sounds stupid. But I really can't do it and now that I've started doing classes at the gym I look so pathetic compared to everyone else. So if I can do it by the end of the year I'll be happy.
Blogging goals
Followers - Get 500 followers on Twitter and Bloglovin
Get a domain name
Improve my photos - I think to do this at the moment I need to spend more time setting up to take the photos. Spend a bit more time on the background and lighting will improve my photos massively.
More personal content - I have been loving creating more personal lifestyle post recently so would like to carry on more in this direction. I enjoy taking pictures out so would like do more photo diaries. I would also like to do weekly reflects to share my week with you all. I think it would be good to look back on.
So I have 9 goals altogether. I think they are all achievable and look forward to ticking them off. I will do an update to see how I'm doing half way through the year.
Have you got any goals for 2016? I'd love to know what yours are?
So I have 9 goals altogether. I think they are all achievable and look forward to ticking them off. I will do an update to see how I'm doing half way through the year.
Have you got any goals for 2016? I'd love to know what yours are?
I love your blog :) x
Thankyou :) x