I have wanted to review my goals for the year for a few weeks now but haven't felt like doing it. But after an unproductive weekend of watching youtube videos and shopping I thought it was a good time have a look and see if theres anything I can tick off. There has been a couple of things that have happened this year already which have effected a couple of my goals. So a couple maybe be changed slightly and I also have an idea of how some can be achieved. If you'd like to check out the original post, check it out here.
Now I had a more adventurous idea for this. But as I got a new full time job after Christmas it just seems a bit ideal at the moment to use that job to save and get the experience and go traveling probably next year. So I have changed this slightly and I would like to visit 2 new countries this year.
Save save save!
This one has been going quite well so far this year. I have been putting a certain amount of my wages into my savings every month. As I said I'm my travel goal, I'm going to focus on saving this year so my aim is to carry on putting the same amount into my savings account every month as I have so far this year.
Give up meat
This one is sort of done! But I don't want to say its done yet. Me and a friend gave up meat for lent and it felt so good to cut it out. But as lent ended on sunday, and although I haven't eaten meat since, I'm going to give it a few more months before I cross it off.
Make more effort making plans with people
I think this has gone well. I try to make plans most weekend with my friends. Although this can be hard at times because most my friends work at the weekends or live a bit away. But I am trying to achieve this by planning at least one thing every weekend with family or friends.
Go to a festival.
This one isn't looking very promising anymore. I had planned to go to reading festival but I could only get the friday off work, plus it doesn't look like my friends are going anymore. I might try and get a day ticket though but I think thats the best I'm going to do now. But I won't cancel it out just yet though.
Be able to touch my toes
Be able to touch my toes
Why am I so inflexible!! I am getting better at this though. I do a couple of classes a week and when we stretch out at the end I feel like I I'm not making any progress with it. But I think I have a little. I can now touch my ankle, maybe a little lower on a good day, aha.
Followers on my blog
Followers on my blog
I wanted 500 followers on my twitter and bloglovin. I managed to smash twitter in only a couple of months so I am going to raise that to 2000. I feel like that will be a lot harder. Not doing so well with bloglovin, but am going to make more of an effort to start following people on there again (kinda went off it for a while) and promote it a bit more on social media.
Get a domain name
This just hasn't happened yet.
Improve my photos.
I think I am putting a lot more effort into my photos and I am putting pictures on my blog that I like and am proud of. I want to improve the backgrounds though and get more variety.
More personal content
So I wanted to do this by doing weekly reflects. Which failed quickly. I enjoyed the writing part but I just didn't have any photos for them and my weeks are just me working so I wasn't pleased with them so have stopped. I have definitely been doing this in other ways though such as sharing my fitness journey and some photo diarys. I would like to do something similar to the weekly reflects again but a little different. So we will see how that goes.
New Goals
Ok so Its just one new goal, but its an exciting one! (well it is for me anyway)
Buy a car - I do have a car already but its my mums old one and I would really like to buy my own when the insurance runs out and so I can be all adult and stuff.
I hope you have enjoyed this post. I'm quite surprise with how well some of these are going. I wouldn't have know unless I did this post so may do a couple more this year. I think its good to look back and adjust them or add more as you never no whats going to happen in the year that can effect them.
Have you achieved any of your 2016 goals yet?
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