Tuesday, 1 September 2015

September Goals

I've been trying to get fit and healthy since forever and I am determined to actually get a bit better at it. So I have decided set some monthly goals to help get better and there is also a couple of random ones thats aren't fitness related but I know will make me feel a lot better when I do them. I'm hoping writing them down will motivate me more and if it works I might do it more regularly. I've got 5 goals I'm working on this month. Wish me luck :)

1. cook at least one new healthy recipe a week - I am getting bored of eating the very few heathy recipes that I can cook which normally means I want to go to the freezer instead and cook a pizza. I plan on putting up one recipe a week on my blog this month to motivate me.

2. start meal planning - When I rarely do this, it does help me cook properly and healthier. At the start of each week I have going to plan some meals I want to cook and then go food shopping. Hopefully it will be cheaper than going to tescos every other day as well. 

3. Document workouts and exercise - I'm not going to tell myself to exercise so many times a week yet because I no thats unrealistic and not going to happen. I've just started writing down the exercise that I do and I find it really helpful and motivational to see how much or little I have done. I'm going to carry this on this month and hopefully it gets me some where.

4. Declutter - I have so much crap in my cupboard from when I started this at the begging of the summer and its time to finish it off and find a way of getting rid of it. Theres still areas of my room that I need to go though as well. I seem to have a never ending supply of stuff and I just done need or want it all anymore.

5. Make a big decision - I know this is a bit vague and I'm not going to go to much into it. I'll save it for another post in a few weeks. But theres some decisions I need to make about university that need to be made this month.

Let me no what your goals are this month? :)

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