Recently I've been loving making soup. It's just so handy to make when you've got loads of veg that need using up and it's a great way to load loads of veg into your meal without even realising it. So today I thought I would show you how I made this soup. Its so easy to make and I always put in whatever I have in the fridge.
1 sweet potato
2 carrots
half a pepper
1 onion
a bit of chilli
a couple of bits of broccoli
handful of spinach
vegetable stock
1. first I cut up the onion and the chilli and left them to cook on the hob gently while I cut up the other vegetables.
2. after I cut up all the vegetables I was going to use, I put them all in the pan with the vegetable stock and water (basically enough to cover everything)
3. then leave it to boil until the potato is cooked. (took mine about 15-20 mins but it will depend on how much your making)
4. then put it in a blender and start blending, then your ready to eat :)
I find this such a handy meal to cook. specially as a student, I don't like wasting my food, aha, so just shove anything in that I have at the end of the week. And you can also make loads so it last for a few days, another bonus :). Its also really yummy, I love eating it with loads of bread, brown of course :)
This looks delicious! I personally don't use vegetable stock, unless I made it myself, though. It's a lot of work, but when trying to eat a healthy meal, I usually go ALL IN, hahaha. Thank you for sharing this ♥
ah will have to try without next time :) xx