Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Breville Blend Active Review

Hello everyone! I hope everyones having a good week? I just finished the stress of having uni deadlines but its now all over and done with, so I can get into regular blogging now. I started my blog in the middle of all this stress over christmas, which meant I didn't really present myself the best way I could of, so I've spent the whole of today changing things up, taking new pictures and spending ages on photoshop to start making it the way I want it :)

Anywayys… As part of this get fit and healthy phase I'm in, I brought my self a Breville Blend Active. I got it from Debenhams for £30, although I have seen them cheaper in some other places.

It comes with two of these 600ml bottles with resealable lids which make it ideal to take away with you and drink on the go. I chose this blender as I liked that you could make the smoothie in a bottle that you can drink it out of as its far more practical for me. I think it also helps with portion size although 600ml is quite a lot for me, but the bottle is easy to store in the fridge so Its really useful. Also, the instructions come with some easy recipes, which will be handy for me as I've not really make smoothes before so am excited to give them a go.

This is the smoothie I made in it. I got really excited and went to the super market to buy loads of fruit, so I could make lots of varieties. But my first one had pretty much everything in it; strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, mango, grapes and some greek yogurt. After you've put everything in all you have to do is screw the lid on and attach it to the base and start blending.

It blended really well and quickly. I was expecting there to be some lumps from the amount of time the I blended it, but it was so smooth. I must have only blended it for about 30 seconds. I filled the bottle up to the maximum amount and it probably only filled it up about half way went it was done, which was actually ideal for me as it was the perfect amount. But I suppose you could add more fruit half way through if you wanted to fill the bottle. I'm so in love and impressed with this product already and so happy that I spent the money on it.

Hope you guys enjoyed my little review. I have only used it once but I don't think my opinion will change unless it breaks or something, then I wouldn't be impressed. 

Cya guys soon :)

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